Monday, 19 December 2011

A Second Attempt

As 2012 draws closer, we at Beading Daily have decided to make January our monthly earring challenge. One pair of earrings every day for the month of January..

I tried to do this in September as a personal goal but lost momentum midway.. but this time there are at least a dozen other ladies who are doing it with me so I think I am more motivated when I have other people on the other side of the world sitting in the weekly showcase section saying "Come on Em! Where are yours?!" Haha!

So while I'm chilling in my room, patiently waiting for christmas to arrive and listening to the rain (3 weeks into summer and 3 weeks on non-stop rain!) I am sitting here prethinking and researching designs.. Does that technically count as cheating?

Anyways.. thats the latest ;) update soon!



  1. Hey - I'll take that challenge with you! I work full time, but I might be able to catch up on the weekends. So what is the game plan? posting on my blog, or posting on Beading Daily? or both!

  2. Well, the game plan is - one pair of earrings each day for the month of January.

    I'll probs be posting on both =) haha!

    I'll attach a thread on the readers showcase section of the beading daily site at the end of the first week. I'll let you know!
